To get a place in a Kindergarten, you must use the municipal "Kita-Navigator".
Here you have the opportunity to quickly and easily find out about our care offerings and make a reservation directly online.
The reservation takes place in three steps:
- Find a daycare center
- Select a Kindergarten
- Register with your personal information
Visit the Kita-Navigator at kita navigator.
Parent Council for Youth Services
On November 6, 2023, the parent councils of the childcare facilities in the Geilenkirchen city area elected a Youth Welfare Office Parent Council for the kindergarten year 2023/2024 according to § 11, 2 KBiz. Elected were Mrs. Sandra Amkreutz, AWO Daycare Center Lütticher Str., and Mrs. Annette Smolka, municipal Daycare Center Immendorf. You can reach the Youth Welfare Office Parent Council at
Kindergärten in Geilenkirchen
Städtische Kindertagesstätten

Städtische Kindertagesstätte Immendorf
Ringstraße 15, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 02451 69260
Städtische Kindertagesstätte Beeck
Gemeindeberg 2, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 0151 53836047
Städtische Kindertagesstätte Wurmmatrosen
Martin-Heyden-Straße 58, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel. 02451 9329471
Kindergärten in sonstigen Trägerschaften
Kath. Kindergarten St. Ursula
Martin-Heyden-Straße 30, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 02451/10 22
Katholischer Kindergarten St. Anna
Tripsrath, Annastraße 13, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 02451 7718
Katholischer Kindergarten St. Johann Baptist
Lindern, Stiftsgasse 7, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 02462 6808
Katholischer Kindergarten St. Mariä Namen
Gillrath, Hatterather Weg 32, 52511 Geilenkirchen
Tel.: 02451 959498