The four-storey brick-built keep is at the northern corner, 15th century, with its 18th century dormer window, summer house dating from around 1800 in the eastern corner. The two-storey tower built into the substructure on the southern side is from the late Middle Ages. Added to and modified in 1803. - in the south-west corner of the gatehouse is the two-storey gate construction dating from 1649, made of brick with flints. Finally, there is the two-storey brick section in the east which, like the west side, was modified in the 19th century and only part of the wall is original. *
Important moat. Nearly square stately home built in the 15th century. With courtyard. Two-storey, brick-built building on a high substructure with an impressive seven-storey tower with a capped roof on the western side and partly intact corbels on the corner towers. Modified in the 18th century, mainly around the courtyard and inside the buildings. Two gatehouses dating from the second half of the 17th century connect up with the main house.
The inner gatehouse has a main gate in the north wing with a projecting gable. The building beside the gate was converted into living quarters for the tenant. On the south side of the main house is the geometrically arranged garden with two summer houses dating from the 18th century and - slightly off the beaten track - the mill and its outhouses in the north. *
Extensive 16th -18th century two-storey brick-built stately home with a hip roof. 17th century. At the corners of the western side, two square towers (with dormer windows from the 18th century). Connected to the southern corner of the stately home is a short 19th century section from which simple 18th and 19th century stables and coach houses run off at right angles to the south and east. The courtyard was originally surrounded by buildings from all sides. North east of the courtyard is a series of offices and service rooms in four wings dating from 1728, but modified in the 19th and 20th centuries. *
Moat. Of the originally four-winged stately home, built in 1647, only the two-storey north wing with its solid corner tower, only slightly higher than the main building, and the lower two-storey west wing with its gable-topped entrance gate and ridge turret have survived. Above the living quarters, whose eastern parts feature a projection to the north, is a hip roof. The tower has a drawn-in, elaborate roof and lantern. On the ground floor of the west wing, there is an open arched promenade open to the courtyard. *
Square moat. Connected to the square, tower, battered at ground level, from the late Gothic period, later modified and fitted with a capped roof, are the two-storey living quarters dating from the 18th century. The main house and rebuilt offices and service rooms are based on older buildings. *
During rebuilding in 1875, the late Gothic chancel with its 5/8 pattern remained intact. Groined arches. Circa 1500. Features: Flanders carved altar circa 1530, Antwerp carvings with painted wings, early Netherlands renaissance. Bells date from 1479 and 1478. *
Square 17th and 18th century farmhouse. At the front, a gate construction with a hip roof and ridge turret. Plain two-storey living quarters with a stepped gable. Where the original stately home once stood, there is now a modern building from 1937/38. *